Field Day 2015

Tent supports and walls

2015 June (5:30-6:00pm 26 pm set up) 27-28   Field Day

                                                              We operated from 1:00 pm Saturday to 1:00 pm Sunday.

Site Officer:   Doug, W9PN,    Janesville Fire Training facility, 3000 County F, North Janesville, WI.

The Field Day report was filed with the ARRL prior to the submittal deadline, so we should be included in the results when published.    As required, I submitted the needed documentation to support our claimed bonus points.    I also submitted some soap box comments and photos from our Field Day.    Overall, I would say that we had a successful Field Day.    The one area that jumps out at me as an opportunity for improvement is the total Phone QSO count.    That could easily be doubled.  

Very 73, Doug, W9PN

News Flash:  Nov. 1st: ARRL Report:   W9PN was 3rd in Wisconsin in Class 3A and 5th in all catagories Wisconsin!

2015 Field Day Report   July 29, 2015

Call  used:    W9PN (Extra Class)

GOTA Station Call:  (None)

ARRL/RAC Section:    WI    Class:    3A

Participants:    19

Club/Group Name:    Greater Beloit Area ARC, LLC

Power Source(s):     Generator (Gasoline)

Power Multiplier:     2X

Bonus Points:    100% Emergency Power            300

                               Media Publicity                           100

                               Information Booth                       100

                               W1AW Field Day Message      100

                               Natural Power QSOs Made      100

                               Submitted via the Web                50

                               Educational Activity                   100

           Total Bonus Points:                                       850

Score Summary:          CW          Digital       Phone        Total

       Total QSOs:             910            101           402

       Total Points:          1,820            202           402        2,424  

       Claimed Score:   4,848

Submitted by:  Douglas R. Speer, W9PN

                           Douglas R. Speer

                           4328 Fox Hills Drive

                           Janesville, WI  53546

                           E-mail:   W9PN  at       (at  =   @)

Comments:  Bonus Points documentation to be e-mailed.

Great Field Day!   Our club featured two homebrew beams including a 2element, 40m Yagi built by W9PN and KD9CNX and an interlaced 2-element per band 15m and 10m Yagi built by K9BY.    The club had an educational session on how to set up and tune a 6m beam.    We had an information booth set up and had publicity coverage in the form of a commercial radio interview and an article in the local area newspaper.

Band/Mode QSO Breakdown:    CW      Digital     Phone

                                              80m    148           0           14

                                              40m    353           0         139

                                              20m    270       101           54

                                              15m    139           0           55

                                              10m       0             0           94

                                                6m       0             0           46

                                                2m       0             0             0

                                           1.25m       0             0             0

                                            Other       0             0             0

                                         Satellite      0            0             0

                    Totals:                         910         101        402

End of Report

  Safety Officer, Logging, Satellite, Public Information Officer    Al Homan, KC9QQO

  Message and GOTA Officer----------------------------------------------  Brett Johnson, K9BY

  Emergency Power Officer-------------------------------------------------   Lyndon Opdyke, WA9JLD

  FD Data Submission Officers--------------------------------------------  Doug Speer, W9PN

  Food Officers (Saturday 6:00 pm)---------------------------------------  Linda and Dan Servais, K9IBM

Category 3A; we used three operating positions (+ one 6 m station) using emergency power.

The Beloit ARC "Power and Light Company" was again provided by the club's AC gasoline generator

under the set up and control of Lyndon, WA9JLD.      We used the station call W9PN, Extra Class.

Band Captains:  1  Steve, KD9CNX, :     20 meters (TenTec Eagle) Mode:  CW, SSB, Digital, operator choice.

                               2  Doug, W9PN:    40 meters  (Ten-Tec Omni VII)

                               3  Dan, K9IBM:      80, 15, 10 meters (Icom IC-7000)

                                    4  A 6-meter station was set up and operated on Saturday by Dave, AK9F.

                                  On Sunday, the 6 meter station was set up by Lyndon, WA9JLD and was very active.

Antennas:  20 meter 3-Element Beam, a home-brew 40 meter 2-Element Yagi designed and constructed by

Doug,W9PN, a 80-10 meters G5RV Doublet, and a 4 element 6-meter Yagi.     Brett, K9BY homebrewed the 10-15 meter, 2 elements per band, Beam.                    

Friday setup:   6:00 to 8:30pm approx.  Friday evening campout was available.  Saturday, the gate opened at 9:00am.

Logging of contacts was computerized at each station using the PC program:  N3FJP FD Logger.

Tear-Down:  many hams assisted on Sunday afternoon at 1:00 - 3:00pm.

All Field Day photos were supplied by Doug Speer, W9PN.     Others are welcome.

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