GBARC Virtual Meeting Room

The virtual meeting room is open for club meetings on the first Monday of the month and every Wednesday evening from 7:45PM - 9PM for rag chew.

Greater Beloit Amateur Radio Club

March 3, 2025 Monday at 7:00PM Virtual Video Meeting!


The Monthly Ham's Breakfast is back!    Second Saturday of the month.  At Denny's Restaurant, I-90 at South Beloit. (Flying J Truck Stop) All area hams are welcome. Say hello to Conrad Herold-W9DL. Bring another ham friend along.
License Exams: Scott Fry (N9FRY) is an ARRL VEC examiner. Check his data at for details.
2023 Board of Directors
2023/2024 Board members are: Brett-K9BY, Lyndon-WA9JLD and Chuck-WD9BB
2024/2025 Board members are: Greg-K9GJN and Dean-K9FLO.
We strive to:
  • encourage interest in radio communications
  • improve proficiency in the art of amateur radio
  • aid in the education of interested persons the view of becoming licensed amateurs
  • improve relations between amateur radio operators and the general public.


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