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Field Day 2019
Field Day 2019
Submitted by
on Sun, 2019-06-30 13:45
5.01pm Tower Arrival
5.02 Universal Tower Sections
5.36 Hex Beam
5.37 Hex Beam
5.49 Hex Beam
6.04 10-15 Mtr Beam
6.28 Drone Carries Cord
6.28 Drone is up
6.31 6 Mtr Beam Parts
6.35 Guy Anchor, 10,15 Mtr Beam
6.45 6 Mtr Beam & Tower
6.52 Lyndon and Greg
6.55 6 Mtr Mounting Pole
7.06 Tilt Base for 6 Mtr Beam
7.13 10 Foot Section
7.14 Bolts for Tower Sections
7.17 David & Bob Supervise
7.19 Another 10 ft Section
7.29 Mast for 6 Meter Beam
7.30 55 Feet Plus Beam Pipe
7.35 6 Meter Tower & Beam
7.38 Kevin s Scrolling LED Display
7.42 Northwest OCF Antenna
7.45 4 Foot Base, 35 Ft SW Tower
7.46 Tilt Over Base
7.47 Greg Plays with Red Grease
7.56 Prep for 55 Ft Tower
8.18 55 Ft Tower top Section
8.39 Sundown MidSummer Plus 1
8.55 Attach Rotator for 6 Meter Beam
9.06 Finally, the Beam for 6
9.23 Discussion for Raising
9.36 Its up! About 60
10.23am 10-15 Yagi 2 Elements
10.24 Continue Prep
10.28 ARRL Director, Kermit Carlson & Crew
10.33 NW Antenna Up
10.34 SW Antenna Prep
11.39 Shade Tent, Al & Dean
15.03 Conrad & Greg Digital FT-8 Rig
15.04 Dean & Chris 6 Mtrs
15.05 Dan & Bob CW Rig
17.40 Dual Band Sat. Antenna
17.40 Satellite Effort
17.40 Satellite Screen Helper
17.41 Sat. Rotator Elevation & Azimuth
17.44 New Club Banner Logo
17.211pm Sunday FD Take Down
20.05 QTH from the North
Our little generator
Towering over the tower
Bob loggin a CW contact
Brett watching FT8 on 6 meters
Chief Rhodes of Janesville Fire Department and Greg (K9GJN)
Shooting for the stars (or at least a satellite)
Getting ready to lower the tower
Lowering the tower
Dean cutting the wires free
6 meter beam looking up
All hands on deck
Its a long way to the top
Breaking free
So many wires, this is supposed to be wireless!
Chuck (WD9BB) and Al (KC9QQO)
Supporting the tower
Breaking down
Tower base
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