Field Day 2010
June 26-27, 1:00 PM Saturday - 1 PM Sunday. Early set-up Friday evening and Saturday morning.
BARC Field Day Co-Chairmen Greg Niles, N9GJN, Al Homan, KC9QQO, and Kevin Christ, KC9PZI "spear-headed" our efforts.
Electrical Power- Portable 117 VAC Gasoline Generator: Lyndon, WA9JLD
Master Chefs: Rich, KC9RTF and Jim, KA9VHG
Band Captains: Carl, W9BJ - 80 & 40 Meters SSB, Doug, W9PN - 20 Meters CW & SSB, 40 Meters CW, Dave, N9GQ -15 Meters QRP, Al KC9QQO, Kevin, KC9PZI, Bob, N9HCN - 10 meters SSB, Jim, KA9VHG ???
Propagation: Increased sun spot activity for the Field Day period inproved the MUF (Maximum Usuable Frequency) which allowed numerous contacts on 10 and 15 meters. We had a nice article about our club Field Day in the Beloit Daily News. We rated this Field Day as very successful.