Field Day 2013
All photos by K9BNR, Robert (Bob) Barker
Area Sponsor: Greater Beloit Amateur Radio Club
Location: Thresherman's Park, north of Janesville on HW 51, 51 East Cox Road is the southern entrance.
About 20 minutes northwest of the center of Janesville and about 8 miles northwest of the center of Janesville.
We used the roofed pavilion, open sides, and a concrete floor. Picnic tables, with seating on each side were provided.
Individual tables and chairs were brought. Lamps were used Restrooms and showers were available.
Cars, tents, Recreation Vehicles, and camping was the fashion of the weekend.
Chairpersons: Greg Niles, K9GJN, and Doug Speer. W9PN, handled the details.
Equipment/Antenna Setup: Friday evening about 5:30-8:00 pm and Saturday morning 9:00 am-1:00 pm.
Operation Times: 1:00 pm Saturday to 12:59 pm Sunday
Band Captains: Greg Niles, K9GJN, Digital Modes all bands, 15 meter SSB, CW
Doug Speer, W9PN, 20 meter CW, SSB and 40 meter CW
Carl Cramer, W9BJ, 80 meter CW, SSB; 40 meter SSB; 10 Meter SSB
Radio call used: W9PN - Extra Class, full amateur radio privileges.
Classification: 3A - Three stations used all emergency AC power (Gasoline Generator).
Additionally, we had a GOTA (Beginner) station set up by Conrad, W9DL, a satellite Station, and a VHF/UHF station.
These stations increased the experience and point total, but didn't change our station class of 3A.
KC9RGG. Norm and Bob, K9BNR were our Official Photograghers recording the club efforts.
Dan, K9IBM, Greg, K9GJN, and Carl, W9BJ, headed-up the Saturday evening Picnic Meal crew.
Brett, K9BY, provided a computer Wifi and Ether Network for accuracy in logging and efficient operation.
Members and interested visitors helped with raising antennas, sharing operating duties, logging, and helpful advice.
The "tear-down" operation was completed around 2:30 pm Sunday. We had a wrapup discussion.
We had a fun, fellowship weekend. See you in September.