Field Day 2014
All photos 2014 Field Day compliments of Bob Barker, K9BNR.
A Successful Field Day
Field Day Site Officer: Greg Niles, K9GJN
Safety Officer, Logging, Satellite,Public Information Officer - Al Homan, KC9QQO
Message and GOTA Officer----------------------------------------------- Brett Johnson, K9BY
Emergency Power Officer------------------------------------------------- Lyndon Opdyke, WA9JLD
FD Data Submission Officers--------------------------------------------- Brett Johnson, K9BY, Al Homan, KC9QQO
Food Officers (Saturday 6:00 pm)--------------------------------------- Luci Cramer, N9FYT, Carl Cramer, W9BJ
Get On The Air (GOTA) Station Officer-------------------------------- Conrad Herold, W9DL
Category 3A; we used three operating positions using emergency power.
We used the station call W9PN, Extra Class.
Band Captains: 1 Bret, K9BY, Greg, K9GJN: 20, 40 meters
2 Doug, W9PN: 40, 15 meters
3 Carl, W9BJ: 80, 15, 10 meters
Antennas: 20 meter 3-Element Beam, 40 meter Vertical, 80-10 meters G5RV Doublet,
10-15 meter 2 elements per band Beam, and others.
Logging of contacts was computerized at each station using the PC program N3FJP FD Logger.
See You Next Year!